The Discovery of Ancient Egypt, takes you on a video tour in historical sequence to learn:
- Who first deciphered hieroglyphics?
- What is the Tomb of Tutankhamen and how was it discovered?
- How was Napoleon responsible for the beginnings of modern Egyptian Archeology?
There is a story here which should be seen and heard by all. The story is out there for the taking, but if you are not looking for it, you may never find it.
Dr. David Neiman introduces The Rosetta Stone:
The Rosetta Stone of Ancient Egypt
Carl Sagan on Champollion & the Rosetta Stone part 1
Carl Sagan tells the story of Champollion, the man who deciphered the Rosetta Stone:
Napoleon’s Egyptian Campaign
Bob Brier, a Napoleon enthusiast, shows us how Napoleon revolutionized the field of Egyptian Archeology:
The Discovery of King Tutenkhamun’s Tomb
Original Film Footage of the Discovery of Tutenkhamun’s Tomb
The Search for Tutankhamen part 1 of 6
King TUT – PBS Special
Egyptian Pharaoh Documentary
It is from the tomb of Tutankhamen that we see the Ureaus in its original, pristine form, with all of its colors and artistic splendor. It was buried and hidden from grave robbers for 3000 years.
Take the Two Eyes of Horus…to your forehead

Had the Rabbis of old known about the Ureus, they might have added a passage such as the following to the Midrashim.
מניין שהיה לפרעה תפילין? שנאמר: ושמת את הנשר ואת הנחש על ראשך, למען ידעו כל מצריים שאתה המושל והשליט : וכל זר לא תלבש בו:
Translation: From where do we know that Pharaoh wore Tefillin? As it says, and you shall put the eagle and the snake on your head, in order that all of The Egyptians will know that your are the ruler and unmistakable head of state.
GP: This fabricated passage emphasizes the total and absolute power of the Pharoah over Egypt. In that sense, the Ureaus could be seen as a comparable to the Swastika of Nazi Germany.
For a detailed description of the Ureaus, CLICK HERE.