China Triumph and Turmoil – Episodio 1 – HD 720p China Triumph and Turmoil episode2 DVRMS The West and the Rest: The Changing Global Balance of Power in Historical Perspective
China – as seen by Niall Ferguson
The Ascent of Money by Nial Ferguson
The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of The World by Niall Ferguson Epsd 1 5 Full BBC Documentary Professor Niall Ferguson – The Descent of Money Published on Apr 23, 2014 Professor Niall Ferguson lecture at New College…
Civilization – by Niall Ferguson
Civilization – a BBC Series featuring Niall Ferguson Part 1 Civilization Part 2 – BBC Series by Niall Ferguson Civilization Part 3 – BBC Series by Niall Ferguson Civilization Pt4 – BBC Series Civilization Part 5 – BBC…
Islam and the History of Science
A fine video by an accomplished physicist, Jim Alcalili, who was the son of an English woman and an Iraqi father. What does this history bode for the present? Can there be peace between Islam and Christianity? Can the future…
Remember the Leaving of Egypt
זכר לציאת מצרים View Tefillin and the Egyptian Experience – click here
Was Thutmose III Shishak?
Was Thutmose III Shishak
Shishak Plunders Solomon’s Temple
Shishak Plunders Solomon’s Temple (The Elephant in the Room) “And it came to pass, that in the fifth year of King Rehoboam, Shishak, king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem, because they had transgressed against the LORD… So Shishak king…
The Utensils of Solomon’s Temple
From: Ages in Chaos by Immanuel Velikovsky The following pages were taken from “Ages in Chaos” , pp. 155 – 163 and authored by Immanuel Velikovsky, 19th printing by Doubleday & Company, Inc., Copyright, 1952 by Immanuel Velikovsky, Library of…
1529 Siege of Vienna [Documentary]
It is a question whether to learn history backwards or forwards. There is no good answer to this question. The Turkish assault on Vienna was not a one-time affair, as seen from these videos. One is straight documentary, the second…
The Battle for Vienna, September Eleven 1683
An excellent film, in terms of historical accuracy of major events and portrayal of the period. One feels the power of the Sultan as well as the incompetence of the Christians, except at the last moment. Sort of like the…