Back to the time honored tradition of reading aloud to children. Away television, away computer, away cell-phone, and let us connect with our children:

The Exodus – A National Geographic Production
Eminent biologists, epidemiologists and climate researchers spea about how the Ten Plagues might have happened.
Dr David Neiman speaks on the Rosetta Stone
Dr. David Neiman was an an eminent historian of Ancient History. Here is an eight minute presentation:
The Rosetta Stone – Documentary
Documentary on the Rosetta Stone:
Carl Sagan on Champollion & the Rosetta Stone part 1
A fascinating video by Carl Sagan briefly describing the life of Champollion, the man who deciphered the Rosetta Stone:

The Search forTutenkhamen – BBC Production
A dramatic rendition of Carter’s discovery of Tutenkhamen’s Tomb. Excellent acting and excellent scenes of Egypt and of English Mansions:

Howard Carter’s Discovery of Tutankhamun’s Tomb
A short, but accurate video including original film footage of the discovery of Tutankhamun’s Tomb:

King Tutenkhamen’s Tomb
A short but informative video: